With Love, from Old Town (September)

With Love, From Old Town is a monthly subscription service where members receive one new release a month that is more-often-than-not signed. We focus on debut or sophomoric novels, generally within the genre of literary fiction. You can sign up to join With Love with a 6 or 12-month subscription.

Toward the end of each month, we will get a glimpse into the selection process for With Love by sharing Program & Partnerships Coordinator Amanda’s monthly newsletter to subscription members. September's pick was Migrations by Charlotte McConaghy. 

Dear Subscribers,  

Wow, I don't even know where to start with this masterpiece! This is personally my favorite book of 2020 and I am SO excited for you all to get to read this haunting yet beautiful story. This month's pick is Migrations by Charlotte McConaghy.

I first read it back in February and it has been the longest wait for everyone to enjoy this beautiful story. This book is about a woman who has never really found her place in the world, is a self-proclaimed wanderer, and is coping with a dark past full of traumatic events that unfold slowly as you delve into the world of this book. This very personal journey is set against the backdrop of a not-so-hard-to-imagine future world where we have been unable to slow the effects of climate change and animals have slowly gone extinct one by one. Imagine a world where you step outside and don't hear birds chirping. No squirrels scurrying. That is the haunting and desolate reality Franny has grown up in.

Franny is determined to follow what is expected to be the very last flight of the arctic tern from the Arctic to Antarctica and enlists a crew of bedraggled fishermen to follow the  birds with her. After all, where the bird goes, there must be fish, right? Migrations is simultaneously heartbreaking and beautiful, and will likely instill in you an urgent desire to protect all the beautiful creatures we still have time to save.

I have so much to say about this book, but will contain my excitement until you've all had the chance to read along too! I hope you enjoy this book as much as I have, and I look forward to discussing with you all in October. Let us know if you liked it on social media with #OTBtbr and by tagging us with @oldtownbooks. Happy reading!

With Love,
Amanda Robinson, Bookseller/Program & Partnerships Coordinator

Blog contribution and photos by Amanda Robinson. Edited by Shannon McCarthy.