Give Yourself the Gift of Motivation

Greetings, authors, writers, and scribblers of all kinds! The start of National Novel Writing Month, or NaNoWriMo, is less than a week away. Several members of the staff here at Old Town Books will be participating this year. Some of us have plans already locked and loaded, others of us (myself included)…not so much. This will be my second NaNoWriMo attempt, so I wanted to share a tactic that helped me through my first year of NaNo. I hope that it will motivate you as well!

One might think that having a completed (or at least written) novel at the conclusion of a month would be motivation enough for the author. Alas, dear reader, my procrastination vehemently says “Nay” to that notion. I, similar to a small child or lovable shop dog Scout, greatly enjoy external incentives to complete my tasks. In the case of NaNoWriMo, this involves self-awarded prizes for reaching certain word count goals. If I want the prize, I’d better write faster, see?

This is a fun bonus, whether you self-select your prizes or enlist the aid of a partner, family member, or friend to choose your treasures in secret. Either way, I wish you a happy NaNo and many wonderful words! - Shannon (Bookseller)

10,000 Words:

Huzzah! You’ve made it to your first major milestone, one-fifth of the way through the NaNoWriMo challenge. Hopefully, your ideas are flowing forth with ease and no end in sight. Here are a few recommendations on how to celebrate your first 10K words:

  • A new mini candle with a literary-inspired scent

  • This decision-making pin for tricky plot choices

  • A trip to a new coffee shop for some much-needed caffeine

25,000 Words:

Hey, guess what? You’re halfway there (and possibly livin’ on a prayer, a la Bon Jovi)! Whether there’s plenty more story to tell or if you feel that you’ve hit a wall, you’ve accomplished so much and come so far. Find a pick-me-up to help you power over the next hill:

  • A set of postcards to share your achievement with all your family and friends (and support the USPS!)

  • A cookbook to create some delicious brain-break snacks

  • A cross-stitch kit to focus your hands while your mind wanders to your next great chapter

40,000 Words:

“Hey look!” she said, pointing frantically. “You see that? It’s your final word count goal, just over that final hill. Keep going, dear adventurer!”

  • Feeling stressed? Check out our in-shop selection of lavender items: satchels, pillow sprays, and more!

  • Some snazzy new socks to keep you warm on those early writing mornings and/or late nights

  • A mug to keep that caffeine flowing

50,000 Words:

Sound the trumpets, ring the bells! You’ve completed your goal! We are so proud of you. No matter how long it’s taken you (my first NaNo, I didn’t hit 50K until the following January…), you have achieved more than many writers ever dream of putting to paper. Celebrate yourself and your story!

  • Enjoy a break from the computer and/or desk and unwind with a puzzle

  • Dive into a new story by checking out a new bestseller

  • Take your novel to the next level with one of Old Town Books’ writers’ bundles:

On Writing Bundle - A copy of Stephen King's novel On Writingalong with a Scout notebook and pencil. $20

On Writing is part memoir, part shares the experiences, habits, and convictions that have shaped Stephen King's work. A perfect book companion for both seasoned and beginning aspiring novelists!

Before and After the Book Deal Bundle - A copy of Before and After the Book Deal along with a Scout notebook and pencil. $20

Are you close to finishing your novel or curious what happens next? This book bundle is for you! Before and After the Book Deal is full of advice on how to set yourself up for a great publishing experience, and what to expect before and after you sell your book.

The Writer's Library Bundle - A copy of The Writer's Library along with a Scout notebook and pencil. $30

We all know books change our lives. Here about the books that changed some of our favorite's authors, and what those stories mean to them.

The Writer's Retreat Bundle - All three books, a Scout notebook, OTB pouch, and pencil. $70

Immerse yourself in the craft of Stephen King, the inspiration of The Writer's Library, and the how-to from Before and After The Book Deal.

Book bundles can be picked up or shipped, OTB staff will reach out when the bundle is ready for pick up. If you have any questions, please email

Wherever you find yourself on your writing journey, we hope you’ll join Old Town Books for the ride. We wish you lucky, patience, and creativity as you embark on your NaNoWriMo, be it your first or your fifth. Tag us @OldTownBooks and share your progress with #OTBnano.

Blog contributions by Shannon McCarthy and Amanda Robinson. Graphic by Mike Reddy. Additional photos and editing by Shannon McCarthy.